Everyone looks forward to the sunny days and warmer weather which can only mean that spring and summer has arrived. Which in some peoples cases means the allergies are on the horizon and creeping up too. Most allergies can cause headaches, sneezing, runny noses, watering and itchy of the eyes. This may surprise most people, but it can also cause aches and pains in teeth, and overall problems with your oral health. You may find that you are are experiencing tooth ache like pains, dry mouth due to congestion in the nose which causes extra breathing through the mouth, which subsequently dries up the saliva, making the mouth dry and causing a sore throat.
If you are finding that you suddenly get unexplained tooth pain especially in your upper back teeth this could be the result of mucus filling up spaces present in the sinus which connects the top of the mouth and nose, which places pressure on the jaw, gums and tooth roots that can lead to considerable discomfort. This can result in the teeth becoming extra sensitive to hot and cold foods, drinks, chewing and even when you change body position i.e. sitting, standing, lying.
Having a dry mouth is uncomfortable, and having a combination of dry mouth and postnasal drip can result in a sore throat. Even though a sore throats doesn’t generally have an impact on the teeth and gums, it can be uncomfortable in the throat that causes it to get irritated can result in bad breath.
It’s recommended that individuals who suffer with allergies treat them with antihistamines. It you find the teeth are still sensitive and throbbing after the allergy symptoms disappear, then you should book into your dentist to have these checked.
How To Keep Your Mouth Healthy During Allergy Season
Daily preventative care – This is the time to keep oral hygiene standards and have a continual daily routine. This care should include adequate brushing for two minutes, twice a day and also flossing as this will help prevent problems before they have a chance to arise.
Visiting the dentist – Have regular visits to the dentist and hygienist so they can remove any plaque present. Plaque can lead to unhealthy gums and tooth decay if left untreated.
Drink plenty of water – This is one of the easiest ways to help keep your body and mouth healthy during allergy season. By keeping the mouth and body hydrated, it helps flush out any unwanted toxins and mucus and will help your mouth fight against dry mouth. A fun fact to know is doctors recommend you drink between half an ounce to an ounce of water for every pound you weigh, every day.
Book Your Dental Assessment Today
If you are suffering with your allergies and it is causing dental problems, please do not hesitate to call our friendly dental practice and book in for a dental assessment today.
Last Updated on July 19, 2020 by team